Interview Questions for Janet

  1. Could you explain the award you received recognition for?
  2. Why are you invested in this project?
  3. How do you hope this project impacts the community?
  4. Who has supported you through this project?
  5. Describe your reaction to receiving the award.
  6. Did you reach out to anyone at Westminster for resources?
  7. Is there anything else you’d like to share about this experience?

I have conducted over 30 interviews for stories in three different print publications. I take special care when conducting interviews because I believe they are the foundation of all stories.

I approach interviews as a conversation, rather than a questioning. If a source is interested in an interview, they likely are experts on the topic. A rapid fire of questions, without any conversing, does not make for a comfortable nor engaging interview. I’ve learned the best quotes always come from easygoing discussions.